
Showing posts from June, 2017

The Hellhound of Wall Street, by Michael Perino

Review by :Arghya Roy During the 1920's, America brushed away the effects of the Great War, and witnessed dynamic cultural change, increased awareness for the Progressive and liberal movements, and sustained economic prosperity. Labor Unions were organized, Prohibition was in full swing, and women were becoming more independent. Technology was becoming more available to the common man. The titans of American Industry lived lavish lifestyles, and the media turned it's attention towards celebrities. Population was on the rise, and the poor were taken care of by the middle-class. All of that ended with the Wall Street Crash of 1929. Millions of Americans lost their livelihoods and jobs, and were forced to live in slums. Understandably, the American public was more than angry at Wall Street and Herbert Hoover, the President at the time. President Hoover intended to be re-elected in the 1932 elections, so he assigned Senator Peter Norbeck to lead the United ...

Everything on a Waffle, by Polly Horvath

Review by: Yagyesha Roy The heroine of this book is a girl named Primrose Squarp and she is residing  in British Columbia( a place I have always wanted to visit). People believe that both her parents drowned at sea, but Primrose thinks otherwise. (You know what? I think "Primrose" sounds too formal and "longish" so  I think I'll just call her Prim. Like Katniss Everdeen's sister in the Hunger Games)    Prim's father is/was a fisherman and was out at sea when a bad storm struck. He was late getting home, so her mother dropped her off at a neighbor's house and went off to the sea in a little sailboat, to search for him. She must not have been thinking straight, cause if a fishing boat wasn't coming back, how would a sailboat? They never came back, leaving the town to believe that they had drowned. (insert sad face here) Of course, no one believes Prim when she says that they are still alive. (Obviously, because then the book would ...