The Rain Dragon Rescue By Suzanne Selfors ( The Imaginary Veterinary Book 3)

Review by:Yagyesha Roy

Creak. Ben Silverstein heard a noise coming from the kitchen window. It was the middle of the night so Ben didn't really see anything but a big paw. But when he looked out the window he sees a figure that looks a lot like the dragon that lives on top of Dr. Woo's hospital. In the morning Ben's grandpa says the toaster was missing. Mrs. Mulberry calls an emergency meeting about all the missing items.

 Pearl and Ben discover that the missing items were all metal. Mrs.Mulberry  then decides to take roll call. And they discovered that every one was there except Dr. Woo. The citizens of Buttonville decide that Dr. Woo is the culprit for all the missing items. Pearl and Ben hear a noise from outside and decided to check it out. Then they see that Dragon that lives that lives on top of Dr. Woo's hospital . And when they turned around they saw that Victoria Mulberry had sneaked up on them, and she too had seen the Dragon. They were doing a good job of keeping the Dragon secret until Pearl accidentally told Victoria the truth that it was a Dragon. Since it was Tuesday,  they were not apprentices, and The citizens of Buttonville were going to demand why Dr. Woo was stealing things, Pearl and Ben were in big trouble.

When they decided to give it  a try and warn Dr. Woo, Mr. Tabby shooed them out the door because he didn't care about their problems and that Tuesday was his only day of break. Pearl and Ben then decided to worry about it tomorrow , when they would be allowed to go inside the hospital. When they were in the hospital and their life as apprentices began, they were assigned with the task of picking up the dragon droppings. Thankfully the dragon was not on the roof. Mr. Tabby also said to never enter the door on the tenth floor. When Ben and Pearl finish picking up the dragon droppings the dragon comes back and threatens to eat them.

 After Pearl and Ben try to escape the Dragon tells them that he's actually a 10 year old Dragon and that is his name is Metalmouth. Pearl and Ben then see a lot of proof that Metalmouth is the thief. They see Metalmouth melt all the items and make a dragon nest. Mr. Tabby is then called to help the pixies.

After a couple games of fetch, Mr. Tabby is called to the tenth floor , but since he was busy with the pixies he couldn't come so  then they were hearing that they were being called to the 10th floor. Since they didn't know what to do they found themselves going to the 10th floor even though Mr. Tabby said not to go to the 10th floor .Then on the tenth floor Ben and Pearl meet a lady who seems like a goat and her name is Violet. Violet then tells them  that they would be going to the land of rain in the Imaginary  world because the Rain dragon was hurt . Their guide became Metalmouth, who had never been to the Land of Rain before. According to Metalmouth's book of Dragons, the rain dragon didn't have wings  but it used some special magic to fly. They traveled through the portal and the only way to summon it back was to use the vile of yellow fairy dust otherwise you're stuck in the imaginary world forever. The rain dragon with 2 miles long so when they found the tail of the dragon they were very tired and since the magic was allowing metal mouth not to fly they couldn't believe their luck. It was a drought because since the dragon was dying no rain was falling.

In one of the biggest cracks yet , one Ben jumped , he accidentally dropped the vial of yellow fairy dust . Now , they were stuck in the Land of Rain forever ! When they reached one of the dragon's paws , they saw it was trapped in a metal dragon trap . Then , Metalmouth used his fire to melt the dragon trap but the dragon still wasn't moving . After . Couple of steps Metalmouth smelled dragon blood . The trip picked up the pace . When they finally reached the mane of the dragon , they saw that one of the horns was missing . They also noticed that the dragon's face was bigger than Metalmoth who himself was the size of an elephant . With Metalmouth standing guard , Ben and Pearl climbed up the face of the dragon to fix her horn with one of the healing supplies in the emergency packet they had brought . The wound  healed but the dragon was still not moving .

Dr . Woo who had reached there told them the reason why the dragon was still not moving . It seemed that rain dragons loved their beautiful horns and even if one was taken away , they would be very sad . That's when Ben had the idea of Metalmouthing melting some metal from the dragon trap to make a new horn for the rain dragon . While he was gone , Dr. Woo told them her suspicions about a poacher named Maximus Steele being the one who took the horn . When the new metal horn was secured in the dragon's head , it came " back to life " and in keeping with it's Chinese roots , she drew the symbol of yin and yang .

On returning back , both Ben and Pearl received certificates of merit saying that they were skilled in the art of rescuing rain dragons . Dr. Woo also made the angry Buttonviller's happy by getting Metalmouth to make a statue of the Welcome Wagon for Mrs. Mulberry !

I particularly liked this third book in the series as it introduced dragon which happen to be my favorite imaginary animals . I wish this book could be turned into a movie like "How to train your Dragon " . That would make me so happy .


  1. I like this book because it is like a mystery, I do not know what is going to happen next.


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